
【明慧网2001年2月2日】 我是嘎嘎,今年14岁,是师父的小弟子。当澳洲几个电视台转播了中国中央电视台有关"天安门自焚"的报道后,我想我应该把真象告诉小朋友们,于是我带了一些呼吁支持法轮功的签名表格到学校,请小朋友签名及告诉她们"天安门自焚"真象。




Australian little disciple clarify the truth of "Tiananmen suicide case" to the class

My name is Gaga, I am 14 years old, and I am a little disciple of Master Li. I thought that I should tell the truth about Falun Dafa to my friends. So I took some petition sheets to school and asked my friends to sign it, as well as clarifying the truth of suicide in Tiananmen Square that was reported on SBS and channel Nine News.

I started with one of my friends who were sitting next to me in class. I introduced a little bit about Falun Dafa and asked her to sign the petition, then she passed the petition sheet to the girl next to her. Surprisingly, that girl passed the sheet around to the whole class. When the petition sheet was half way through the class, my teacher saw the sheet and asked who brought it in to the class. I answered and she was very glad about it, because she had heard the suicide case on the news. She asked me to stand up and tell everybody what actually is Falun Dafa. Then I began to explain to the class about the suicide case as well as introducing Dafa. I explained the benefits of practicing Falun Dafa and what was happening in China now after the crackdown, over one hundred of practitioners beaten to death, as well as supports from governments across the world. My teacher then asked why was Falun Dafa banned in China, I said that there were too many people practicing it around the world as well as in China, and the president of China felt threatened by the practitioners. I told them that the suicide case was fabricated and a set up by the president of China, in order to advertise that Falun Dafa is a cult. I explained that Master Li has said that as Falun Dafa practitioners, one must not kill any lives including suicide, so the people who set themselves a fire in Tiananmen Square are definitely not Falun Dafa practitioners. Everyone was shocked due to the cruelties and the misunderstanding from the Chinese Government towards Falun Dafa. Then my teacher expressed that she would like more information on Falun Dafa and insisted the kids in my class to find out more about it. With the support form my teacher, the petition went on very successfully and everyone in my class had signed.

At lunch, a few of my friends became more interested about Falun Dafa, so we spent most of our lunch time talking together and they were also very disappointed at the Chinese government and angry as well as unbelievable about the crackdown and persecution. One of my friends asked me when did the persecution begin, I told her and she claimed that I should have given her the petition to sign ages ago. From this I knew that the Hongfa to my friends were too late, and I wanted to apologize to master Li and the practitioners that are suffering in China. Another one of my friends suggested that she’d take the petition sheet home, so her whole family could sign it. They also wanted some more information on Falun Dafa, I promised then I’ll bring a lot of brochures and the ‘Peaceful Journey of Falun Dafa’ to school for my friends and teachers.

I hope that more and more Australians will understand the truth of Falun Dafa and at the same time, expose the evil!

当日前一篇文章: 外界评论:六四到自焚——又一次欺骗宣传?
当日后一篇文章: 阴谋制造自焚案,江泽民视百姓生命为草芥