明慧网 1999年08月07日 星期六 全部文章 给中国政府领导人的一封公开信 以法为师 做真修弟子 侵犯人权与基本自由问题:中国取缔法轮功并逮捕法轮功修炼者 加拿大学员召开新闻媒体和各界关心法轮功人士座谈会 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 给中国政府领导人的一封公开信 【明慧网一九九九年八月七日】尊敬的中国政府领导人: 我们是北美的法轮大法修炼者,对于近来中国政府对法轮大法及其修炼者的一系列反常打压措施,感到非常的不解和难过。大家认为这是由于政府对法轮大法还不够了解,被许多不实的信息干扰所造成的。广大修炼者衷心地希望政府能进一步对法轮大法有个公正、客观的了解,用和平协商的方法来解决问题。如果我们以往的做法有不妥之处,请予以指出,我们会一如既往地配合政府作出调整或纠正。我们相信政府决不会真正反对亿万群众祛病健身,修炼“真、善、忍”,做道德高尚的好人。 政府可能已经看到广大的法轮大法修炼者在面对不公待遇的时候,都能尽量保持详和的心态,避免发生冲突。我们是多么迫切地希望下情能够上达,尽早地澄清政府对法轮大法的误解! 法轮大法从来没有反对过政府,也永远不会参与政治。法轮大法修炼者与世无争,决不会对政治和权力感兴趣。大家在社会上都在要求自己做一个好人,一个更好的人,为社会的繁荣稳定、国家的昌盛,默默地作着贡献。然而,亿万的法轮大法群众要求的并不多,只是希望能有一个可以修炼的安定环境。 当法轮大法被误解的时候,广大学员始终是善意地去向有关人员解释,有时即使去得人多了,也都是秩序井然地、安静地等待领导的回音,充满一片详和。后来去政府部门聚集上访也实在是出自无奈。大家只是想让政府了解法轮大法的真实情况,知道修炼法轮大法能给人们身心带来巨大的益处。如果政府还是觉得我们的做法不妥,请明示我们反映情况的正确途径和方法,广大的法轮大法学员一定会予以配合。 我们一直真诚地希望政府对法轮大法能作进一步的客观了解,用和平协商的方法解决有关法轮大法的一切问题,毕竟这是关系到中国千百万善良百姓的生活和身心健康的大事。我们真诚地希望政府能体察民情,尽快收回对李洪志老师的通缉令,并释放已被无辜逮捕拘留的法轮大法学员,给广大人民一个安定的修炼环境,体现出一个文明古国尊重传统文化、爱民厚物的大国风范。今天的中国是世界政治、文化和人权瞩目的焦点。我们亿万法轮大法学员衷心希望政府领导人做出合乎国情、顺乎民意,利国利民的举措,使祖国繁荣昌盛,国泰民安! 《明慧》编辑部 一九九九年八月七日 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 以法为师 做真修弟子 文/湖南衡阳辅导站大法学员 【明慧网一九九九年八月七日】我是一名铁路职工。虽然我没有直接参加老师亲自举办的面授班,但由于自己能够认真学法,以法为师,努力做真修弟子,也使自己身心发生了巨大变化,得到了该得到的,正如老师指出的那样:“真修大法的,看书一样会有同样状态出现,同样得到应该得到的一切。”(《转法轮》) 我是一个颇有名气的争强好胜、泼辣能干的所谓强人。但命运之神却偏偏和我作对,生活上令我累遭不幸,亲夫被盗贼谋杀,自己身体被病魔摧残。月子里得了筋骨疼痛不止的毛病,并不能下冷水,折磨我十六年之久;严重的神经官能症,长期失眠;妇科做了子宫肌瘤切除手术,而且六年来肛门漏管,四次手术,已不能开刀,且有发展成癌的可变性。生活上造成极大的困境,日夜吃不下,睡不好,更无法工作,长年病休吃劳保,成了单位的老病号。正常的心态失去平衡,精神面临全面崩溃,我抱怨坎坷不平的人生,嫉恨这可恶的人间社会,几次想跳楼一死了之,但又不忍抛弃孤独的女儿。 正当我彷徨失措,痛不欲生之时,一九九五年十月二十日,朋友小路引导我来到法轮佛法岳屏公园炼功点。我被大法全新的内容所吸引,慈悲祥和的气氛所感染,以一种从来没有的激动和兴奋参加了第一次炼功。从此告别苦难的常人生活,走上了修炼的金光大道。当我第二天早上从炼功点回家后感觉很疲劳,饭后午休竟破例足足睡了两个多小时。这么多年来,我夜不成眠,平时每晚最长睡一个多小时呀!午睡后精神特别好,不但心里清楚,而且头也不昏,好象不是平时的自己了。 但当我看《中国法轮功(修订本)》时,却看了后面,忘了前面,当时我悟到了自己心不诚,也不专一,家中还挂了其它功法的图、像等等。我没顾及刚刚花了几万元装修的新房子新墙壁的损坏,赶紧将墙上所有其它功法的宣传品一概取下,连同录音等等一道丢進了垃圾箱!当晚入睡后,便梦见了法轮由远而近的飞到了我的身边,和第三天在炼功点请到的法轮章一模一样。 炼功后第四天出现了奇迹。因我在匆忙中来不及用热水,随便洗了个冷水脸,赶紧骑车去炼功点,经过湘江大桥时,凉风迎面扑来,十多年的月子病使我一年四季无法下冷水,若用了冷水便会一身筋骨疼痛不止。今早既下了冷水,又吹了凉风,心想今天手指和全身筋骨必痛无疑了。在炼完功回家途中,我一只手扶车,一只手在口袋里搓一搓,真怪,手指头一点也不痛,又换另一只手搓一搓,同样没感觉。我开始感觉到了法轮佛法的威力真是无穷无尽! 大约四、五个月以后,随着我心性的提高,炼功时间的延长,不但病全好了,而且打坐由十多分钟延长到二小时以上,各种功能也开始出现,特别是出现了老师所讲的“白日飞升”的状态,也就是大白天人可以飞起来。我越来越亲身体验到,法轮大法长功之快是不可想象的,他一点也不玄,完全可以通过修炼实践达到高境界,确确实实是人类还未认识的高科技。 我得益于法轮大法,没有大法的救度就没有我,我要以自己的实际行动弘扬大法,让更多的人得法受益。在市辅导站的帮助下,我和四位学员一道在铁五中建立了新的炼功点,很快就有了六十多个学员,并把自家的房子作为固定学法点。我们到铁路沿线、郊区农村、街道工厂去弘法,使许许多多有缘人進入到大法修炼中来,全市炼功点象雨后春笋般的发展,接着便是迫切需要更多的学法资料。我想:大法书籍是修炼的依据,特别是《转法轮》和恩师传法录音、录像带,都是大法的法理,是修炼的指南哪!及时满足新学员的学习资料,是眼下第一位事情,我应毫不犹豫的刻不容缓的承担起这一任务,为全市及铁路沿线功友们雪里送炭呀!这对学法、弘法是义不容辞的大好事。因此我便利用铁路职工的有利条件,主动积极的挑起了义务接取资料的工作,先后多次往返于湘粤线上,几乎都是头天去第二天回,尽一切可能不延误时间,请购了大量的《转法轮》以及恩师在广州传法、录像带和多种学法资料,供给了衡阳、郴州、长沙、岳阳、汨罗等地市。我每次从衡阳乘火车到达广州,都是清晨四点多钟,下车后乘公汽到东山还不到五点,我打坐炼功到天亮后,接着将资料运上车,上午十点返回衡阳市。当我完成一次运送资料的任务,心里是那样高兴,忘了疲劳和瞌睡。在此,我们学员都深深感谢广州总站的无私支援,当我每次来到广州总站时,总站站长及有关工作人员都是积极热情的态度予以接待,帮我们从楼上扛包找车、装车、送车,不辞劳苦,不计得失,总是那么慈悲祥和,就象对待自家亲人一般。 从今年五月起,我一边坚持上班,一边利用业余时间做好辅导工作。铁路工作非常辛苦,一个晚班下来,足有十四个小时之久,而且不能打瞌睡。特别是天天和旅客打交道,服务好与坏,全在于心要善,腿要勤,嘴要说。出入口、行李检查等岗位繁琐罗嗦,容易引起争执,无人想干。领导见我听使唤,又乐于帮助旅客,叫我去干。我服从安排,叫干啥就干啥,上班后在工作和人与人之间的矛盾中修炼自己,去掉魔性,充实佛性。一次在上班中,那天正值市领导来车站检查工作,当时我在检票口,这时一位旅客的行李带子断了,感到十分为难,我就叫他将行李放在一旁帮他看护,让他出站买一根绳子。当领导检查过后,主任大声说:“谁把行李放在这里的!”我说:“我放的。”主任当时用极严厉的语气说:“把她换下来,让她检什么票,不想干就叫她回去!”当着众多的领导和职工在场,又继续说:“把她换到站台上去扫地,你要做好事,旅客这么多,哪能做得来,你管得了吗?专门去做好人,还不如到山上去,到这里来上什么班。”值班员立即说:“你到站台上去!”职工们都用异样的眼光看着我,我没动气,善意的解释了几句,便从检票口来到了站台上,一边走,一边背诵着老师的题词:“不记常人苦乐 乃修炼者 不执于世间得失 罗汉也”(《洪吟》〈跳出三界〉)。老师的法给我以无穷无尽的力量,我没有把这件事放在心上,就当没有发生一样。但事后回想时,真是当今人类道德水准大滑坡,做好人都难。 今后我要谨遵师教,坚持以法为师,遇事向内找,严格要求,不断精進,直至功成圆满。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 侵犯人权与基本自由问题:中国取缔法轮功并逮捕法轮功修炼者 【明慧网一九九九年八月七日】 ASSOCIATION OF WORLD CITIZENS 世界公民联合会 Case Postale 161.CH.1211 Genève 16. SUISSE Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities 4 August 1999 保护及防止歧视少数民族分委员会 1999年8月4日 Item 2: Questions of violation of human rights and fundamental freedoms: The Banning of the Falun Gong and Subsequent Arrests of Practitioners in China 第二项(议题):侵犯人权与基本自由问题:中国取缔法轮功并逮捕法轮功修炼者 René WADLOW Permanent Representative United Nations, Geneva René WADLOW(雷.华德路) 常任代表 日内瓦,联合国 The declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and of Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief, adopted by consensus in the UN General Assembly on 25 November 1981 reaffirms rights contained in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and provides a framework for considering the right to freedom of thought, conscience, religion and belief. 译文:1981年11月25日,联合国大会一致通过《联合国消除各种对宗教与信仰的排异和歧视宣言》。该宣言重申了《全世界人权宣言》所涵盖的各种人权,提出了一个考虑保护思想、良心、宗教、信仰自由的行动协议框架。 Article 1 states “1. Everyone shall have the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. This right shall include freedom to have a religion or whatever belief of his choice, and freedom, either individually or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in worship, observance, practice and teaching. 译文:第一条规定:“1.人人享有思想、良心、宗教信仰自由的权利。此权利包括:信仰宗教或自己选择任何一种信仰的自由,以个人方式或与其他人一起以团体方式在公开或私人场合,以礼拜仪式、宗教仪式、练习、教导等方式表达自己的宗教或信仰的自由。” 2. No one shall be subject to coercion which would impair his freedom to have a religion or belief of his choice. 译文:不得以胁迫、强制等方式侵害任何人的宗教与信仰自由。 3. Freedom to manifest one"s religion or beliefs may be subject only to such limitations as are prescribed by law and are necessary to protect public safety, order, health, or morals, or the fundamental rights and freedoms of others. ” 译文:3.表达自己的宗教或信仰的自由只受法律规定条款的制约,须要保护公共安全、秩序、健康或道德,或其他人的基本权利及自由。” Article 6 specifically states the freedom: 译文:第6条特别规定了以下自由: a): To worship or assemble in connection with a religion or belief, and to establish and maintain places for these purposes; 译文:a) 举行和宗教或信仰相关的礼拜仪式或集会,建立并维持以供上述目的的场所。 b): To write, issue and disseminate relevant publications in these areas. 译文:b) 撰写、出版发行及在这些地区传播散发相关出版物。 We are convinced that the banning by the Government of the Peoples Republic of China on 22 July 1999 of the spiritual movement Falun Gong/Falun Dafa and the subsequent arrest of leaders, massive destruction of publications and audio-visual material, and the prohibition of assembly of its practitioners are direct violations of the spirit and provisions of the Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and of Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief, and of article 18 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. 译文:1999年7月22日,中华人民共和国政府取缔了精神运动--法轮功(法轮大法),并逮捕了法轮功辅导员,大规模地销毁法轮功出版物及音像制品,禁止法轮功修炼者集会。我们确信中国政府的以上行为直接违反了《联合国消除各种对宗教与信仰的排异和歧视宣言》的精神及条款,并违反了《国际公民及政治权利盟约》第18条的规定。 The limitations on the freedom of practice set out in article 18- “ Freedom to manifest one"s religion or beliefs may be subject only to such limitations as are prescribed by law and are necessary to protect public safety, order, health, or morals or the fundamental rights and freedoms of others ? are no applicable in the case of the Falun Gong/Falun Dafa. The banning is arbitrary and is related to politically-motivated fears. 译文:第18条规定的(信仰的)实践自由的限制:“表达自己的宗教或信仰的自由只受法律规定条款的制约,须要保护公共安全、秩序、健康或道德,或其他人的基本权利及自由”--不适用于法轮功(法轮大法)这种情况。取缔是武断的,是出自于政治上的恐惧。 Fear is always a poor advisor when dealing with social movements. Therefore we appeal to the Sub-Commission to help the Government of the Peoples Republic of China to gain a harmonious perspective and to restore the rights of the practitioners of the Falun Gong/Falun Dafa spiritual movement. 译文:恐惧在处理社会问题时从来都不会给人带来明智之举。因此,我们呼吁分会帮助中国政府获得一个和谐地判断当前局势的方法,恢复法轮功(法轮大法)精神运动的修炼者的权利。 I will develop briefly three points 译文:我简要地陈述以下三点: The nature of the movement The extent of Government-led repression; What is to be done. 译文:法轮功精神运动的性质 政府领导的镇压(法轮功)的程度 我们应该采取的措施 Falun Gong/Falun Dafa has its roots in the rich history and practice of Taoism in China 译文:法轮功(法轮大法)可以从中国灿烂的历史和道家的修炼中找到渊源。 Taoism has been part of the all-pervading culture of the Chinese people, manifested in many folk practices but also in painting, poetry and philosophy. 译文:道家学说是中国人民普遍传统文化的一部分,它不仅表现在许多民间修炼事迹中,还表现在绘画、诗歌和哲学中。 Taoists often do not consider Taoism as religion but rather a method return to original way(Tao). 译文:道教信徒通常并不认为道教是一种宗教,而认为是一种回到原始状态(道)的修炼方法。 Rigid organization can be hindrance. “The doors and windows built into a house fulfil their function by being void.” is an aphorism attributed to the Taoist sage Lao-tzu. 译文:严格的组织是一个(修炼的)妨碍,比如道家圣人老子有一句格言:“房子的门窗正因为它们的空才能发挥它们的功能 ”。 Thus Taoism in China has never had an over-all religious organizational structure, though at times in the past, there were some large monasteries and societies based on Taoist thought. 译文:因此,尽管在过去的某些时代,有过一些大的基于道家思想的道观和团体,(但全局上看)中国道教从来没有整体上的宗教组织结构。 Taoism is a way of seeking harmony with nature, practiced in everyday life, a preference for being inconspicuous, undemanding and uncombative. Taoists have a breath of vision to submit gracefully to adverse circumstances when submit they must. 译文:道家学说追求与大自然的和谐,要在日常生活中去修炼,推崇不引人注目、没有欲求和与世无争。道家的远见之一是,当必须忍受逆境时他们会心甘情愿地忍受。 In China, there has never been a rigid wall of separation between Taoist and Buddhist ideas and practices. 译文:在中国,道教徒和佛教徒的思想及修炼从来没有过十分严格的分水岭。 Thus the emphasis on Compassion (Shan) in the Falun Gong/ Falun Dafa draws upon this central virtue of Buddhism. 译文:因此,法轮功(法轮大法)对“善”的强调正是利用了佛教的长处。 Likewise there is a Buddhist emphasis on attitudes to avoid, those which may interfere with wholesome morality and are thus a hindrance to higher states of consciousness: greed, covetousness, malevolence, anger, malice, hypocrisy, spite, envy, miserliness, deceit, treachery, obstinacy, impetuosity, arrogance, pride and conceit. ( of: the Buddha, Simile of the Cloth, Middle Length Sayings i, Discourse 7 ). 译文:同样,佛教徒提倡避免一切有碍整体道德素质的态度,因为那些东西,如:贪欲、贪婪、恶毒、愤怒、怨恨、伪善、敌意、嫉妒、吝啬、欺骗、背叛、固执、冲动、傲慢、骄傲和狂妄等,妨碍人们达到更高的觉悟层次。(of: the Buddha, Simile of the Cloth, Middle Length Sayings i, Discourse 7) The Falun Gong/Falun Dafa, created in 1992, made Taoist techniques of meditation, exercises and yoga available to a large number of people through lectures, workshops, publications and video-audio cassettes. It was however, largely by word of mouth and example that the movement developed. These techniques met wide-spread needs, and thus the movement spread quickly to all parts of China and englobed people from all walks of life. 译文:法轮功(法轮大法)创立于1992年,通过讲课、专题学习班、书籍出版物和音像磁带等制品,使道家的静坐技巧,身体练习以及瑜伽能够为广大公众所用。同时,这种精神运动的传播所依靠的更大途径是通过人们相互之间的口头推荐及身边的实例证实。法轮功的技巧适应了广泛传播的需求,因而迅速传遍了中华大地并吸引了全球各行各业的人士。 When it was first introduced to the public in 1992, Falun Gong/Falun Dafa was registered with the Qigong Research Association of China. Qigong, also drawing upon Taoist techniques of exercise and breathing, is popular in China although the exercises are now often done for reasons of good health and are separated from their moral foundations. 译文:当法轮功(法轮大法)于1992年首次向社会传出时,法轮功注册在中国气功研究会下。气功也是利用了道教的一些形体动作和调息方法,虽然它现在往往只被作为健身手段采用,被从原来的道德基础上隔绝开来,但气功在中国仍很受欢迎。 As the Falun Gong/Falun Dafa"s goal is to guide people to higher dimensions of consciousness, and knowing that power gained from the exercises can be dangerous if not done in a firm framework of spiritual and moral values, the founder Li Hongzhi withdrew Falun Gong/Falun Dafa from the Qigong Research Association of China. 译文:由于法轮功(法轮大法)的目标是指导人达到更高的觉悟境界,如果没有一个坚实的精神和道德价值观念框架限制,从功法练习中得到的力量可以形成危险,因而法轮功创始人李洪志先生让法轮功从中国气功研究会中退了出来。 It would seem that the Chinese Government, worried about the growing popularity of the movement then refused to allow it to be registered under any other category. This means that Falun Gong/ Falun Dafa had no legal protection and no legal status in Chinese society, a situation that practitioners peacefully and patiently tried to rectify so that they could follow the spiritual system of their choice safely and without interference. 中国政府似乎因为这种精神运动(法轮功)不断扩大的受欢迎程度而感到不安,所以拒绝允许法轮功在任何一个类别的主管部门下注册。这意味着法轮功(法轮大法)在中国社会没有法律保护和合法地位。法轮功修炼者一直在和平地、耐心地设法纠正这种局面,以使他们自己能够安全、不受干扰地追求自己选择的精神体系。 The government of the Peoples Republic of China seems to have felt that the practices of Falun Gong/ Falun Dafa leading to harmony, joy and vitality were particularly needed in The USA and so facilitated the departure in 1995 of the founder Li Hongzhi to the USA where he now lives and teachers. However, the Falun Gong/ Falun Dafa is based on the practice of each individual, and the movement continued to grow despite the departure of Li Hongzhi. 译文;中华人民共和国政府似乎觉得能够带来和谐、欢乐和活力的法轮功(法轮大法)修炼是美国特别需要的,于是为创始人李洪志先生1995年离开中国移居美国提供了方便。李洪志先生现在在美国居住并教授法轮功。可是,尽管李洪志先生离开了中国,法轮功在中国的传播仍在继续扩大,这是因为法轮功(法轮大法)是建立在每一个个人的自愿修炼基础之上的。 It was in April 1999 when practitioners of Falun Gong/Falun Dafa gathered to request registration of the movement outside the compound at Zhongnanhai in Beijing, where many Government leaders live, that Falun Gong/Falun Dafa drew wide attention to itself. It would seem that such a large assembly of people without advance police knowledge provoked Government concern. Some in the Government administration and the Party saw Falun Gong/Falun Dafa as a danger to the ideological monopoly which they wish to conserve. 译文:1999年4月,法轮功(法轮大法)修炼者因聚集在许多中国政府领导人居住的北京中南海外面要求注册而使得法轮功(法轮大法)本身引起了社会的广泛关注。看上去这个事先警察不知道的、如此大的群众集会引起了政府的担忧。政府管理部门和中国共产党内的某些人把法轮功(法轮大法)视为对他们所希望保持的意识形态垄断的一个威胁。 Thus, by the middle of June 1999, the police and security forces had developed plans for wide-spread arrests and repression. 译文:这样,到1999年6月中旬为止,公安机关和安全部门已经制定了一个大规模逮捕和镇压法轮功学员的计划。 By 22 July, all was in place. There was a governmental decree banning the movement, wide-spread arrests of leaders in many different provinces indicating the well-laid plans for repression. Book, audio-video cassettes have been seized and destroyed. These destructions have been widely shown on Chinese television -- a communications advance over Nazi book burning but hardly a moral improvement. 译文:到7月22日,一切计划付诸实施。政府颁布政令取缔法轮功,大规模逮捕许多不同省份的法轮功辅导员,这表明这项镇压计划是精心策划的。法轮功书籍及音像磁带被没收并销毁。中国的电视上广泛地播出这些销毁场面。--与纳粹时代的焚书相比,他们的通讯手段先进了,但很难说这是道德上的进化。 As with past campaigns against dissident thought : Anti-Rightist Campaign(1957); Great Leap Forward (1958-1960); Cultural Revolution ( 1966-1976); Campaign to Eliminate Spiritual Pollution ( 1983-1984), There are now public confessions of errors by Party members who had practiced Falun Gong/ Falun Dafa, re-education sessions for Government civil servants, stories in the press of people who were not cured of illness by practices, Pressure is being put on people to stop Falun Gong/ Falun Dafa practice through threats to work, education, pensions, housing etc. There has even been a request to the US Government to extradite Li Hongzhi to China on a charge of unlawful assembly. 译文:正如过去的各种反对异己思想的政治运动一样,如反右派(1957)、大跃进(1958~1960)、文化大革命(1966~1976)、清除精神污染运动(1983~1984)等,修炼法轮功(法轮大法)的共产党员要公开承认错误,修炼法轮功的政府公务员被接受再教育,新闻中播放着练习法轮功没有治好病的人的故事。(中国政府)用工作、上学、养老金、住房等威胁手段对人们施加压力,以迫使他们停止修炼法轮功(法轮大法),甚至还指控李洪志先生(组织)非法集会,要求美国政府引渡他回国。 What is to be done 译文:我们应该采取的措施 This August session of the Sub-Commission is the first UN Human Rights body able to deal with the question fully after the 22July 1999 banning. The nature and the scale of the repression and arrests make this an emergency situation on which the Sub-Commission is mandated to act. 译文:分委员会八月的会议是一个自1999年7月22日中国政府取缔法轮功以来,联合国人权团体第一次能全面地处理这个问题的机会。镇压和逮捕(法轮功学员)的性质及规模使得形势非常紧急,要求分委员会对此作出反应。 The banning of the Falun Gong/Falun Dafa is a qualitative change in the practice of the Government of the Peoples Republic of China. 译文:取缔法轮功(法轮大法)是中国政府(干预信仰自由)的行动在性质上的一个改变。 In the past, there have been questions raised in the Commission on Human Rights concerning the rights to religious practice of Roman Catholic and Protestant Christians in China and of Tibetan schools of Buddhism. ( See the report of the in situ visit of Special Rapporteur on Religious Intolerance, Mr Abdelfattah Amor, E/CN.4/1995/91 and his subsequent yearly reports ). 译文:过去,联合国人权委员会提出的主要是关于中国的罗马天主教和新教教徒的宗教修炼自由及藏传佛教的宗教修炼自由的问题。 (见宗教歧视排异问题特别大会报告起草人的现场调查报告,爱德法塔?爱默,E/CN, 4/1995/91, 和他后来的年度报告) In the case of the Christians and the Tibetan schools of Buddhism, there is usually a recognized clergy, buildings for worship or study, and specific scriptures. This is not the case for Falun Gong/Falun Dafa. Thus there is a danger that repression will be more widespread and arbitrary. 译文:在基督教和藏传佛教中,有公认的神职人员、做礼拜和学习宗教的专门场所、及特有的宗教经书典籍。法轮功(法轮大法)和它们相比,没有这些东西。因此对法轮功的镇压有更趋扩大和更加任意专断的危险。 There is danger that the Public Security Department forces still strike out arbitrarily at people doing meditation exercises of holding spiritual beliefs concerning reincarnation, spirits, cycles of human evolution etc. 译文:还有一个危险趋势是,公安机关的强制力还可以任意专断地打击,精神上相信转世投胎、灵魂、人类发展的周期论等、行静坐练习的人们。 The more a belief system is diffused, the closer it is to traditional folk beliefs often called superstitions by Government ideologues, the more arbitrary the repression can be. There are already many reports of police brutality in breaking up meetings of practitioners, usually meeting in public parks. 译文:一个信仰体系普及越广,就越接近于传统的民间信仰,而这种信仰被政府的理论家称之为“迷信”,这样镇压就会越肆意妄为、越专断。已经有报导说警察野蛮粗暴地驱散了通常在公园里集体炼功的法轮功修炼者。 Thus, it is our duty to help the Peoples Republic of China to avoid another ideological campaign which not only violates international norms on freedom of belief but is also socially damaging. 译文:因此,我们的职责是帮助中国政府避免另一场意识形态的政治运动,这种运动不仅违反了国际社会关于信仰自由的准则,而且也会对社会造成破坏。 China faces very real problems of unemployment due to economic restructuring; real problems due to rural to urban population movements, real problems due to population pressure upon the resources of food, water, housing etc. There are also real problems in the ideological philosophical sphere as Marxist explanations of society and history are inadequate, but there is no other dominant ideology or philosophy taking its place. 译文:中国面临着非常现实的由于经济结构调整而产生的失业下岗问题、城乡人口流动的现实问题、由于人口对食物、水、住房的压力而产生的现实问题等等。在意识形态、哲学领域也存在现实问题,如马克思主义者对社会和历史的解释是不完备的,但是没有其它的占主导地位的意识形态或哲学体系代替它的位置。 We can sympathize with Chinese intellectuals and administrators trying to meet all these problems at the same time. But we must say clearly that repression o spiritual movements will not provide solutions for these problems. Freedom of belief and exchange of ideas are essential to human progress. 译文:我们能够同情中国知识分子和政府管理者,因为他们必须努力同时解决所有这些问题。但是,我们必须清楚地指出,对一个精神运动(法轮功)的镇压不会为这些问题提供任何解决办法。信仰和思想交流的自由对人类的进步是必不可少、十分重要的。 Thus we in human rights community have a duty to uphold the norms set out in the universally-recognized Declarations and Covenants. We also have a duty to help the governments and people of States to find proper solutions when, through fear and bad advice, they take short-sighted measures which are harmful and destructive of social harmony. 译文:因此,我们人权团体有义务支持维护普遍公认的宣言和盟约所规定的各项准则。 我们也有义务来帮助(中国)政府和人民找到一个合适的解决方法,特别是当他们由于惧怕和坏的建议、诬告,而采取了近视的、对社会和谐有危害的、具有破坏性的措施时。 The banning and repression of Falun Gong/Falun Dafa is such a short-sighted and destructive measure. We are sure that the Sub-Commission will take strong and appropriate action to help the Peoples Republic of China to advance freedom of belief by lifting the ban on Falun Gong/Falun Dafa. 译文:取缔和镇压法轮功(法轮大法)就是这样一种近视的、具有破坏性的措施行为。我们确信分委员会将采取强有力的、适当的行动,来帮助中华人民共和国通过解除对法轮功(法轮大法)的取缔来推进信仰自由。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 加拿大学员召开新闻媒体和各界关心法轮功人士座谈会 【明慧8月8日消息】8月7日下午1时,多伦多法轮大法学员在省议会大楼附近的皇后公园举行了集体炼功活动,2时至5时在多伦多大学召开了“新闻媒体和各界关心法轮功人士座谈会”。 到会的非法轮功学员提出了一些相关问题。为帮助大家了解法轮功和法轮功修炼者的真实情况,与会法轮功学员为大家播放了介绍法轮功的录像片和幻灯片。学员们还真诚地讲述了自己在大法中的修炼收获和体会。大约一百多人出席了会议。会场气氛融洽、祥和,笑声、掌声不断。 最近一段时间,越来越多的西方人士通过各种方式接触到法轮大法。其中很多人已经从漠不关心到用心旁观到开始思考和深入了解。他们当中有些人已经开始读法轮大法的书籍并学炼法轮功功法。加拿大学员表示,大家已经体会到法轮大法在西方社会的弘扬,正在走向新的阶段。