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News Release

紧急发布  2000年1月11日                 联系:Alistair Hodgett转302  电话:202-544-0200
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                CONTACT:   Alistair Hodgett x302
January 11, 2000                                         202-544-0200

Amnesty International PraisesEarly Decision to Back Resolution on China
Clinton Administration Actson Deterioration in Human Rights

(Washington, D.C.):Amnesty International USA (AIUSA) today praisedthe Clinton Administration's decision to sponsor a resolution criticalof China's human rights record at the United Nations' Commission on HumanRights in Geneva in March.

"We applaud the Administration for making a decision now that willenable it to lobby other Commission members to join the U.S. in challengingthe deteriorating state of human rights in China," said Stephen Rickard,AIUSA Legislative Director. "We encourage other Commission members to supportthis effort." Amnesty International has also made China one of its toppriorities for this session of the U.N. Commission on Human Rights.

Amnesty International has highlighted China's use of draconian nationalsecurity laws against political dissidents and members of the Falun Gongmovement.  Large numbers of people have been executed after summarytrials; harsh prison sentences have been meted out to curb dissent, andthere are persistent reports of torture and the death in custody of prisoners.

Amnesty International recently learned that, after a grossly unfairtrial,two men have been sentenced to death in the Xinjiang Uighur AutonomousRegion for the political crime of "splitting the country."  Nine othermen found guilty of the same crime were sentenced to terms ranging fromone year to life imprisonment.  Amnesty International believes thesentences were based on confessions extracted under torture.

"We are currently witnessing one of the most relentless crackdownssince 1989 against people who are peacefully exercising fundamental freedomsof expression and association," said Rickard.

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